Strain - Ordering strains

Application procedure

1.Agreement for distribution

When the user agrees to the following conditions, the KU-MACC shall accept his / her submission of the KU-MACC Strain Ordering and Agreement Form:

  1. The strains (including replicates and derivatives from the strains), that are distributed from the KU-MACC (Kobe University Macroalgal Culture Collection), shall be available for education, academic and industrial research purpose only. The strains are not intended for human consumption. The users hereby acknowledges and accepts any potential risks associated with the strains and shall use them in compliance with domestic and foreign laws, regulation, and guidelines.
  2. The user shall submit the application form personally.
  3. The user shall not acquire any intellectual property rights by the distribution of the strain.
  4. The user shall provide written notice to the KU-MACC when the purpose of the distribution has changed considerably from that stated at the time of submission.
  5. The user shall not distribute the strains, replicates and derivatives to any third party. In case of violation, these facts may be made public by KU-MACC via posting on our Web site, etc..
  6. The user shall use the KU-MACC strain code (e.g., KU-123) when he / she uses a KU-MACC strain in research that is subsequently published, and shall send two copies of the reprint(s) or PDF files (or photocopies thereof) to the KU-MACC.
  7. When the user of a strain violates another person's right, the user shall bear all responsibility therefor, and deal with the matter on its own.
  8. The user shall acknowledge the possibility that the strain could be deficient or harmful, and inadequate to the user's aim. Thus, if the user suffers any loss by the strain, he / her shall bear resposibility therefor and deal with the matter on its own.
  9. The user shall submit the Strain the Request Form within one month of the date of receipt of the strain. The user may request that the strain be sent again without charge if the strain does not show good growth during this warranty period. The KU-MACC shall not bear any responsibility for mistakes by the user.

2.Procedure for distribution

  1. The he / she shall complete the [KU-MACC Strain Ordering and Agreement Form] and send it to the following address:
  2. Kobe University Macro-Algal Culture Collection (KU-MACC)
    Kobe University Research Center for Inland Seas
    1-1, Rokkodai, Nadaku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
    Phone / Fax: +81-78-803-5781 / +81-78-803-6698

  3. The user shall submit the Strain the Request Form within one month of the date of receipt of the strain.

3.Cost of the strain

  1. Universities, public institutions: 4,500 yen / one strain
    Companies, commercial organizations: 9,000 yen / one strain
  2. Postage will be requested in addition to the cost of the strain
  • KU-MACC Strain Ordering and Agreement Form [ PDF / Word ]
  • KU-MACC Strain Receipt Form [ PDF / Word ]